Pictured above are the Miss Illinois Crown on the left and the SUGGESTED crown from the Miss Illinois County Fair Director Cathy Redshaw on the right. The rules state whatever crown you choose, it is shorter than the Miss Illinois County Fair Queen crown which is 3 1/4 inches tall and 5 inches wide.
Rhinestonejewelry.com is the website for the smaller crown shown. The dimensions for the crown are 2 5/8 inches high and 5 inches in diameter, #8680. Please look at the dimensions written with any crown or tiara you may choose to make sure the size requirements are met.
Cathy Redshaw, the Miss Illinois County Fair Pageant Director, has given the crown shown here as an example. IT IS JUST AN EXAMPLE of what you should look for when purchasing a crown or tiara size.
Junior Miss Crowns
On the same website is a Tiara that matches this crown. Look in the "Pageant Tiara and Crown Group" section to the left of the page - #8720
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